use cases of blockchain technology

The use cases of blockchain technology is not limited to cryptocurrencies but it cuts across all areas of human endeavors.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are the most well-known use of blockchain technology. 

In general, blockchain technology is believed to be useful in finance alone which is far from the truth.

Different use cases of blockchain technology

Supply Chain Management

By offering a safe and open platform for monitoring the flow of commodities from the producer to the final consumer, blockchain technology can be utilized to enhance supply chain management. 

Businesses may lower the risk of fraud and guarantee that items are obtained ethically and sustainably by utilizing blockchain technology. 

Read more about the uses of blockchain technology in supply management here

Identity Verification

Blockchain technology can be used for identity verification, allowing people to manage their digital identities in a secure and private manner. 

The danger of identity theft and fraud can be decreased by using blockchain technology to store personal data on the blockchain and restrict who has access to it.

Click here to read more about blockchain technology and identity verification

Voting Systems

The security and transparency of voting systems can be increased using blockchain technology. Voters can cast their ballots safely and anonymously using blockchain technology, and the election results can be transparently confirmed and audited.

Among other benefits, this will provide a credible electoral process in a democratic country. Read more here about the use of blockchain in voting systems.

Real estate

Blockchain technology can be applied to maintain property data, ease property transactions, and establish ownership. 

Compared to conventional property transactions, blockchain technology allows for quicker, more cost-effective, and efficient completion of real estate transactions.

Click here to read more about the uses of blockchain technology in real estate.


The healthcare sector is one of the sectors that is data-driven.

By enabling safe and open access to medical records, blockchain technology can help to enhance healthcare. 

Patients can have more control over their medical records, and healthcare professionals can easily and rapidly access the records when needed.

Click here to read the possible use cases of blockchain technology in the healthcare sector with examples of current companies that have adopted b;lockchain technology in healthcare.

Intellectual property

Blockchain technology can be used to safeguard intellectual property rights by establishing a tamper-proof ownership record. 

Creators can make sure that their intellectual property is secured and that they are fairly compensated for their labor by utilizing blockchain technology.

Financial Services

This is already feasible as there has been a change to how finance works even at the international level due to the emergence of cryptocurrency.

In addition to that, by enabling safe and open access to financial records, blockchain technology can be utilized to enhance financial services. 

Financial organizations can lower the risk of fraud and boost the effectiveness of financial transactions by utilizing blockchain technology.

For a more knowledge on how blockchain technology is used in cryptocurrency, click here

Blockchain technology has the ability to alter how organizations run and disrupt a number of industries. 

It can boost productivity, cut costs, and raise transparency in a variety of businesses by offering a safe and open platform for transactions, tracking, and verification. 

We may anticipate tremendous advancements in the way we store data and execute transactions as more companies from different industries adopt blockchain technology.

About Kumo

Kumo, registered as Kumo Technologies Inc in Delaware, U.S. is a fiat and crypto social payment app which allows users to exchange fiat (NGN) to crypto, save and earn interest in dollar with as low as $5, utility payment such as DSTV subscription, airtime, data among others.

Kumo wallet is your all-in-one social payment app for seamless payment solutions.

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