Nokia and the metaverse

One of the first manufacturers of mobile phones, Nokia, uses the metaverse to connect remote breweries. 

Nokia, who was  once a well-known manufacturer of consumer mobile devices, has since pivoted into developing technology and equipment that delivers the internet. 

In its recent developments for the  metaverse, Nokia is connecting remote breweries through augmented reality (AR). 

Last year, Nokia collaborated with an Australian University to deliver a 5G-connected microbrewery using metaverse technology. 

Through the use of augmented reality, researchers from a brewery tech lab at the University of technology, Sydney have been working alongside researchers from a twin facility at Dortmund university in Germany. 

According to Robert Joyce, Chief Technical Officer at Nokia, “they actually do joint experiments where they brew beer, they change the process, the temperature, the timing, the volumes, the recipes… and they feed back all of the brewing process into the digital twin.” 

Joyce further explained that, “then they can actually stimulate brewing in the digital twin so they can perfect the beer in the digital space.” 

While Nokia is using the metaverse to connect breweries, Joyce noted that Nokia has been using the metaverse to potentially assist Cessna aircraft technicians at remote airports in South Australia. 

According to the CTO, “we had a 5G connected Microsoft HoloLens and we were able to instruct people on how to service a Cessna using augmented reality in this case“. 

Though Nokia has started implementing the use of metaverse in various areas, Robert Joyce believed that blockchain technology will play a part if you wanted integrity within a metaverse. 

Nokia and the metaverse

Nokia has really moved into the metaverse. 

The once known manufacturer of mobile devices believed that the metaverse is a 30 years old idea whose time has come

According to Nishant Batra, Chief strategy and Technology officer at Nokia, “The metaverse (of the future) is one where physical, human and digital realities are conjoined. Through extended reality (XR), we can bring the metaverse where we go rather than confine it to our homes and offices. This metaverse will be equally at home in the consumer, enterprise and industrial realms.”

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