Helium network migration to Solana bclockchain

Helium Network, a communication protocol, has announced March 27 as the date for its migration to the solana blockchain. 

In addition to the scheduled migration Helium Network seeks to improve its scalability and availability by deploying Oracle. 

According to the announcement, the transition will take place over 24 hours on March 27. 

During the migration current blockchain will be halted while proof of coverage and data transfer activities will remain unaffected. 

According to the helium team, “this upgrade will encompass all wallets, hotpots, and Helium network states and will take place over a 24-hour transition commencing at approximately 1500 UTC/ 10:00a.m. ET”

The Helium team emphasized that any report generated by the proof of coverage activity in the prior 24 hours will be available to claim on the helium wallet after the transition. 

Claimable balances will be updated by Oracles while hotpots owners can use the new claim function. 

The Helium team reiterated that when the chain is stopped, validators won’t produce new blocks and transactions won’t be synchronized. 

“A final snapshot of the blockchain will be taken and hotpots will be created as non-fungible tokens (NFTs)” said the team.

Helium Network and Solana Blockchain

The community’s approval of HIP-70 on September 22 with more than 80% voting in favor made the transfer to Solana possible. 

The benefits of the Helium Network migration to Solana blockchain were underlined at the time by the project’s developers, who noted that there would be a greater amount of its native token available to subDAO reward pools, better mining, and increased ecosystem support.

Also in September, the company behind Helium, Nova Labs, revealed a partnership with American telecom company T-Mobile to roll out a crypto-powered mobile service that would let users earn cryptocurrency rewards for sharing information about coverage quality and locating Helium dead-spot locations across the country.

 About Kumo

Kumo, registered as Kumo Technologies Inc in Delaware, U.S. is a fiat and crypto social payment app which allows users to exchange fiat (NGN) to crypto, save and earn interest in dollar with as low as $5, utility payment such as DSTV subscription, airtime, data among others.

Kumo wallet is your all-in-one social payment app for seamless payment solutions.

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